In one morning, we'll address
- How to identify and manage web application security risks
- The latest techniques for exploiting web applications
- Step by step guides on how to secure your site against intruders
- Hands on demonstration that will teach you how to scan for both Identified
and Unidentified vulnerabilities, and provide a full online defense from any
type of application manipulation!
Who Should Attend
- security consultants
- auditors
- developers
- QA engineers
- web masters
- service providers
- security officers
- IT professionals
Discover what hackers already know
and the techniques you can use
to secure your web site
against application level attacks!
Web Application Level Attacks
Your company's Mission Critical Information is at risk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The applications you develop in-house or purchase are Not Secure from outside or
inside attack. You have done everything you can to protect the desktops, the data
in transit and your network - but you are Still Vulnerable to attack - And You Know It!!!
Who and What You Will Hear
Sanctum, the established leader in automated web application security software, has partnered
with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and John Pescatore of the Gartner Group to discuss and offer a
Hands-On Demonstration of solving automatic problems with automated solutions!!